Lemon Slice Squeezer


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Effortlessly squeeze your lemon slices, with this lemon slice squeezer. , This lemon slice squeezer is the perfect tool for squeezing the juice out of lemon slices. Simply slot the slice inside the squeezer and, with minimal squeezing effort, watch the juice flow out. It helps guide the juice into one area on the plate, unlike using your fingers when it just flies out everywhere. The robust stainless steel construction allows the squeezer to stand up years of usage, which saves you money on buying replacements. , The squeezer is a quirky addition to meals, which a lot of guests will really enjoy and find useful. Product features * Dimensions 35(H) x 85(W) x 70(D)mm * Material Stainless Steel * Weight 30g * Colour Stainless Steel * Perfect for serving with fish and seafood dishes ,


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